Thursday, 10 December 2099

환영인사 Greetings

제 블로그에 오신 것을 환영합니다 ^^

여기에서는 한국 가요 가사를 영어로 번역한 것을 찾으실 수 있습니다.
모든 번역 가사들은 공식적 번역 가사가 아니라 제가 직접 번역한 것이기 때문에 이 점을 기억하시길 바랍니다.
만약 제가 번역하기를 원하시는 곡이 있으면 저에게 연락주시거나 댓글로 남겨주시면 번역해서 올려드리겠습니다.
그리고 제가 번역한 것에 대해서 의견이나 조언이 있으시면 댓글로 남겨주시면 최대한 참고하겠습니다.
마지막으로, 댓글 달 때는 욕설이나 비하 발언 등을 자제하시고 고운 말을 써주시기를 부탁드리겠습니다.

Welcome to my blog ^^

Here you will find English translations of Korean song lyrics.
All the translations on here are not official translations, but my own work, so please keep that in mind when you're looking at them.
If you have a song that you would like me to translate, please feel free to contact me or leave a comment on one of my posts.
And if you have any suggestions or advices regarding my translations, leave a comment below my posts, and I will keep them in mind in future translations.
Last but not least, please refrain from using swear words or foul language.


  1. I'm so delighted to find your site! Thank you for your hard work in translating to English.
    I have not been able to find a translation of Im Tae Kyung's "Collar"
    Would you translate it please? Thank you!

    1. Hello, sorry for the late reply. I haven't been updating this blog for some time, so only saw your comment just now.
      I'll translate your requested song as soon as possible :)

    2. Thank you I appreciate your hard work! I want to choreograph a waltz to this beautiful song, so it will help a lot to know the lyrics (in English) Best wishes to you for the New Year!

    3. The translation is done! I have uploaded it, so please take a look :)
      Thank you and best wishes for the New Year for you as well!

    4. Thank you! That was very fast. The lyrics seem quite different form the music video, but I was left a bit confused by the video and what it was supposed to mean. lol Does Collar have a meaning other than the collar of a jacket or coat, etc? Perhaps it's just a metaphor for hanging on to someone? (by their collar?)
      Thank you again. You are blessed with a talent that you are happy to share. I hope 2020 brings you many blessings.

    5. Collar doesn't have another meaning, but like you said, it is used as a metaphor for hanging on to someone. And that's how it is used in this song.
      Glad that my translation helps :) Wish you all the best for 2020 as well!

  2. 프로필란이 비어있네요. 뭐하시는 분이신가요?

    1. 현재 대학생입니다. 이 블로그는 그냥 취미로 운영하고 있습니다.

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  4. 도원경 - 다시 사랑한다면
    MC The Max - 그대는 눈물겹다
    이렇게 두개 부탁드려도 될까요?
